Amazing Fine Tuning of the Universe – Necessity, Chance or Design?

A morally perfect God would value life, especially embodied human beings with free will, and so ensure the physical laws,  with finely -tuned constants in a  universe and initial conditions allowed for our existence.

Refuting the Anthropic argument

The Teleological Argument

The Case for the Resurrection of Christ . The Apostle Paul tells us that if Jesus is not risen from the dead, our faith is in vain. Yet, many professing Christians deny the physical resurrection of Christ. In this message, Dr. Ravi Zacharias will give a defense of the bodily resurrection of Jesus against modernist skeptics inside and outside the church and against postmoderns who don’t think it matters. He will explain that if Jesus is risen, nothing else matters, and that if Jesus is not risen, nothing else matters. See the two links below.