The crucifixion of Jesus – the central event of the entire human history. Jesus took upon Him all the sins of the world.


tn_crucified10224The crucifixion of Jesus on Friday two thousand years ago, was and still is the central event of the entire human history. Jesus took upon Him all the sins of the world. Because of that event, history was split into two Era – “Before Christ” and “Anno Domini” – Latin phrase for ‘In the year of the Lord’, the year of Jesus Christ’s birth. Every day of AD you’re using Jesus’ birth as the reference point.

The books of the Old Testament contain many passages about the Messiah,  all prophecies about Jesus Christ were fulfilled. For instance, the crucifixion of Jesus was foretold in Psalm 22:16-18 about 1,000 years before Christ was born on earth, long before this method of execution was even practiced.

“For dogs have surrounded Me;

The congregation of the wicked has enclosed Me.

They pierced[a] My hands and My feet;

I can count all My bones.

They look and stare at Me.

They divide My garments among them,

And for My clothing they cast lots. “ Psalm 22:16-18

The Sunday before Easter.

Palm Sunday.

Zechariah was a prophet who lived in the 6th century before the birth of Christ. Zechariah’s ministry took place during the reign of Darius the Great (Zechariah 1:1), and was contemporary with Haggai in a post-exilic world after the fall of Jerusalem in 587/6 BC.

In Zechariah 9:9, the prophet speaks of a future king presenting himself to Jerusalem while riding on a humble donkey. This foreshadowed something that happened about 500 years later. As explained in Luke 19:35-37, Jesus rode into Jerusalem on a donkey and presented himself as the Messiah, the King.

Palm Sunday.PalmSunday

“Rejoice greatly, O daughter of Zion!

Shout, O daughter of Jerusalem!

Behold, your King is coming to you;

He is just and having salvation,

Lowly and riding on a donkey,

A colt, the foal of a donkey.  “ Zechariah 9:9