Psalms 34:16

‘The face of the LORD is against those who do evil,
To cut off the remembrance of them from the earth. ‘ Psalms 34:16

All men sin, but the reference here is to those who will not repent and who have no intention of turning away from their evil deeds. God is not against everyone that sins, (for the righteous are not without sin as they have sin in them); but against them that live in sin, whose course of life is a series of willful iniquity, wickedness & evildoing – they are workers of darkness; and have no sense of sin, nor sorrow for it, go on in it without shame, regret or fear – against these, the face of the Lord is, and stirs up His righteous wrath.

People assume that God is ONLY merciful & loving, conveniently forgetting that God is ALSO righteous and holy and will exercise judgment. Will not the JUDGE of the Universe do right?

Woe to the wicked for God is not indifferent to their deeds, it shall be ill with them, notwithstanding they may bless themselves in their own way. The face of the Lord looks out against them, their honour shall be turned into shame, their names disregarded or accursed so that they shall be no more thought of, nor uttered of, but with reprehension, scorn & reproach – a perpetual mark of opprobrium & infamy being upon their names. He will rain shame upon their achievements which they rejoice and jubilate in and for which they thought they should be remembered. The anger of God not only destroys the wicked, but also abolishes their name forever – it is certain that there is no lasting honour and when they are dead, they will face the judgment of God.

The wicked people may have fewer troubles, fewer evils befall them, perhaps but one, and yet that one may prove their utter ruin. Death, to them, is the king of terrors; to them it is evil, only evil. Tragic is the case of that man who by his sin has made his Maker his enemy, his destroyer. The wicked, whose common course is to do evil; are assured, that God sees them from heaven with a terrible countenance and that He is righteously and grievously angry with them. Desolation will be their everlasting portion. Those that are wicked themselves (usually hate the righteous, and have an implacable enmity to them and their righteousness) laid waste for ever, shall be for ever forsaken and abandoned of God. He observes them, to bring judgment upon them that do evil through the gathering gloom of death – absolute destruction shall be the lot of all the ungodly. Most certainly God is able to out-faced the most proud and daring sinners and those who fought against Him. Ruin is before them, for He is able both to kill and to cast into hell. Their end is the lake of eternal fire – hell.

For God to be against a man is dreadful; a fearful thing it is to fall into the hand of the Living God and to have the face of God against a man – is unendurable.

Jesus said in:

Matthew 25:46 …“And these will go away into everlasting punishment, but the righteous into eternal life.”

Matthew 13:50 …and cast them into the furnace of fire. There will be wailing and gnashing of teeth.”

Matthew 10:28… “And do not fear those who kill the body but cannot kill the soul. But rather fear Him who is able to destroy both soul and body in hell.” and

Matthew 25:41 …“Then He will also say to those on the left hand, ‘Depart from Me, you cursed, into the everlasting fire prepared for the devil and his angels:

among other passages, about the reality of hell on judgement day.


* Strange how we those who do for generations, centuries, and even millennia…