We must take Action if we want to sail and cross the Sea… ~ Cheong Kok Weng

God gave us choices and there’s power embedded with the right actions taken.img_9364

Right actions are powerful and this comes with the choice we take. Actions do define us. The reality is that, by taking the right actions, even small ones, will have a compounding effect to carry us forward.

We need to remind our selves that incrementally or significantly be better in our daily actions, will get us further than a standstill.

We have to take action and it is good to make a start now. Be pleased with the level we are at right now and do trust that as we take the right actions, we will gravitate consistently to, develop and grow into the greatness that God wants us to be and reach for the great

potential that God has built into us – humans and to glorify our

Creator who is forever praised.
