If one does not know the truth…one may believe anything or choose to believe what one wants to believe.

If we do not know the truth … we may believe anything or may just choose to believe what we want to believe. It’s important to believe truths only.

Points to ponder…. If there were insufficient evidence – it does not do justice to one self if one were to believe something founded on incomplete evidence. However sincere and well-meaning; one would be in error (as one can be sincerely wrong) for  believing based on insufficient or partial evidence – we need to check concerning allegations or charges constructed on inadequate evidence especially when this insufficiency would have been apparent if anyone had bothered to cross check or have it corroborated.

We must not to let our prejudices, wishes or paroxysms interfere with a sound, balanced and judicious assessment of data and evidences – as accurate data and evidences lead to facts and facts do point to truths. However we need to guard ourselves from being credulous and  we ought not to be careless or uncritical in assessing information and evidences and the formation of opinions, as false beliefs are or can be perilous.