Golden Precepts to Ponder

Came across these “Golden Rules” again, in the social media and there are many good thoughts contained therein; however I have decided to modify the list somewhat this time around.
Take the good and what’s relevant from what we read. It will help us to be more fruitful in life, no?

GOLDEN Precepts to ponder.

1. Shake hands with others but not while sitting down.

2. In a negotiation, let the other party makes the first offer.

3. If they trust you a secret, keep it.

4. If they lend you a car, return it with a full tank.

5. Do things with passion or don’t do it at all.

6. When you shake your hand make it firm and look that person in the eye.

7. Live the experience of traveling whether alone or with others.

8. Consider God and Eternity. This is most critical.

9. Take good advice.

10. Come eat with the new person at school/office/church.

11. When you text someone and you’re angry: finish, read it, delete it, and rewrite the message.

12. At the table, make pleasant conversations with others.

13. Write your goals, and work on them.

14. Defend your point of view but be tolerant and respectful to others.

15. WhatsApp and keep in touch with friends.

16. Learn from everything, take the good stuff.

17. Honour and loyalty must be present in your personality.

18. Don’t lend money to someone you know won’t pay you back – but if you do want, just give and not expecting to be repaid.

19. Believe in the God who created you.

20. Tend your bed when you wake up in the mornings.

21. Sing or pray in the shower.

22. Care for a plant or a garden.

23. Keep an eye on the sky every chance you get.

24. Discover your skills and make full use of them.

25. Love your job or look at the positive or move on.

26. Ask for help when you need it.

27. Teach someone a value.

28. Appreciate and thank the one who extends his or her hand.

29. Be kind to others.

30. Make someone’s day happier, it will make you happier too.

31. Compete with yourself.

32 Treat yourself when the occasion calls for it.

33. Take care of your health.

34. Always greet with a smile.

35. Think fast but speak slow.

36. Don’t talk with a mouth full.

37. Polish your shoes, cut your nails, and always keep a good countenance.

38. Don’t put your opinion on issues you don’t know.

39. Never mistreat anyone.

40. Live your life joyfully.

41. Never miss a wonderful opportunity to remain quiet.

42. Recognise someone for their effort.

43. Be humble, as “God resisteth the proud, but giveth grace unto the humble.”

44. Remember your roots.

45. Travel when you can.

46. Stand up for what is right and true.

47. Resist evil and wickedness.

48. Render honour to whom honour is due.

49. Be fair, stand up for those who need you.

50. Learn to enjoy moments of being alone.