There are so many interesting words in the English language.
Absquatulate — to leave somewhere abruptly (verb)
Bugbear — any source, real or imaginary, of needless fright or fear (noun)
Cryptozoology — the study of evidence tending to substantiate the existence of, or the search for, creatures whose reported existence is unproven (noun)
Demitasse — a small cup for serving strong black coffee after dinner (noun)
Ephemeral —lasting a very short time (adjective)
Foofaraw — a great fuss or disturbance about something very insignificant (noun)
Glabella — the flat area of bone between the eyebrows (noun)
Hokum — out-and-out nonsense (noun)
Ignoramus — an extremely ignorant person (noun)
Jabberwocky — a playful imitation of language consisting of invented, meaningless words (noun)
Kerfuffle — a fuss; commotion (noun)
Lollygag — to spend time idly (verb)
Mufti — civilian clothes (noun)
Nesh — sensitive to the cold (adjective)
Omphalos —the central point (noun)
Pollex — the innermost digit of the forelimb; thumb.(noun)
Quibble — arguments to evade a point at issue. (noun)
Raconteur — a person who is skilled in relating stories and anecdotes interestingly. (noun)
Scrofulous — morally tainted. (adjective)
Tintinnabulation — the ringing or sound of bells (noun)
Ulu — a knife that is traditionally used by women of various indigenous arctic and subarctic peoples (such as the Inuit) and that resembles a food chopper with a crescent-shaped blade. (noun)
Velleity — A mere wish that does not lead to the slightest action. (noun)
Wuthering —Wind blowing strongly with a roaring sound. (adjective)
Xenophobic — Relating to or exhibiting fear or hatred of foreigners (adjective)
Yokel —An unsophisticated person from a rural area , a naive or gullible inhabitant of a rural area or small town. (noun)
Zephyr —A gentle, mild breeze. (noun)