CHOICES:endeavour to make right choices…

CHOICES:endeavour to make right choices, make it a point to make U-turn, learned from & don’t repeat wrong ones – with God’s help. ~ Cheong Kok Weng


The rainbow is a sign or ‘signature’ of God’s covenant between Himself and all flesh that is on earth – waters shall no more become a flood to destroy all flesh. See Genesis 9:11-17

CHOICES: endeavour to make right choices at all times; make it a point to make U-turn, learned from & don’t repeat wrong ones – with God’s help. God empowers us with choices and with that, Implicitly allows us to make U-turns on the choices we had made; though sometimes not without consequences from the wrong choices made earlier – all the more important for us to make the right choice in the first instance.  

We need to be wise in out dealings, not to bear grudges, pay scant regards to detractors who viewed your actions through coloured lenses – with biased perspective,  learned from the past errors and conduct ourselves accordingly with dignity.


Coffee time