China wanted Malaysia to turn over MH370 satellite data

China wanted Malaysia to supply all the relevant information and evidence about MH370 satellite data analysis.  See  China demanded from Malaysia the Satellite data about MH370 …

China’s official Xinhua News Agency quoted Deputy Foreign Minister Xie Hangsheng as telling the Malaysian ambassador to Beijing that China wanted to know the specific facts that led Malaysia to announce Monday night that the plane had been lost.

There was no immediate response from the Malaysian side.

China demanded Malaysia turn over the satellite data used to conclude that a Malaysia Airlines jet had crashed in the southern Indian Ocean as gale-force winds and heavy rain today halted efforts to search for any remains of the plane.  Extracts…  Deputy Foreign Minister Xie Hangsheng told Malaysia’s ambassador to Beijing that China wanted to know exactly what led Najib to announce that the plane had been lost, a statement on the ministry’s website said.

Malaysia Airlines Chairman Mohammed Nor Mohammed Yusof said at a news conference today that it may take time for further answers to come clear.

“This has been an unprecedented event requiring an unprecedented response,” he said. “The investigation still underway may yet prove to be even longer and more complex than it has been since March 8th.”

He added that even though no wreckage of the Boeing 777 has been found, there was no doubt it had crashed.

“This by the evidence given to us, and by rational deduction, we could only arrive at that conclusion: That is, for Malaysia Airlines to declare that it has lost its plane, and by extension, the people in the plane,” he said.

The airline’s chief executive, Ahmad Jauhari Yahya, said although there have been an increasing number of apparent leads, there has been no definitive identification of any debris. For several days now, search planes have been scouring seas 2,500 kilometres southwest of Perth, Australia, and have spotted several floating objects, but none have been retrieved or proven to be from the missing plane.


New satellite analysis & data revealed that last position of MH370 was in the middle of the Indian Ocean.  @ckw09 11:45 PM – 24 Mar 2014 

Inaccurate ABC news @ 24 Mar 2014 ABC News .. Pieces of debris floating off the coast of Australia have been positively identified as belonging to missing Malaysia Airlines flight #MH370, which disappeared more than two weeks ago.