All posts by RBWC

Let’s cultivate the mind in the right direction & not limit or confined it, as the mind is God’s gift for us to use rightly.~Cheong Kok Weng



Let’s cultivate the mind in the right direction & not limit or confined it, as the mind is God’s gift for us to use rightly. ~ Cheong Kok Weng 

NASA image


Tracy Caldwell Dyson, Expedition 24 flight engineer, looks through a window in the Cupola of the International Space Station. A blue and white part of Earth and the blackness of space are visible through the windows. The image was a self-portrait using natural light. Image credit: NASA/Tracy Caldwell Dyson.

NASA Astronaut -Tracy Caldwell Dyson


Our current state just shows where we are now: a new start_with purpose, focus & action to unlock our God-given potentials.~ Cheong Kok Weng

Our current state just shows where we are now: a new start_with purpose, focus & action to unlock our God-given potentials. ~ Cheong Kok Weng

Our present state does not (necessarily) determine our destination, but start TODAY as long as there is a TODAY.. to begin – may we choose the course and direction wisely.  May God help us to have the courage to ‘sail the seven seas and discover new insights, horizons and wisdom’ and MOST of all to know Him.


May we intentionally “pen” positive changes into the daily routine, for “life journaling” to take on a great dimension.. ~ Cheong Kok Weng

May we intentionally “pen” positive changes into the daily routine, for “life journaling” to take on a great dimension, with God’s given potential!  ~ Cheong Kok Weng

However do remember this crucial scripting process in one’s life journal: Eternal destiny – God has done His part and He gave the power of choice TODAY to you to script your eternal destination – you eternal destiny is a matter of your choice!



Though we cannot change the past, God grants us yet ..the amazing privilege to write the future pages. ~ Cheong Kok Weng

Though we cannot change the past, God grants us yet a pen with capability for each of us and the amazing privilege to write the future pages. ~ Cheong Kok Weng

quill2In fact, God allows or grants us the mandate to write (decide) our eternal future or destination whilst we are still alive on planet earth or whilst alive in space (remembering our astronauts in space – our fellow human beings).

Colonial-Quill&PaperEach of our completed lives on earth will be a closed book … and we will not be allowed to write anymore concerning our sojourn on this planet because they have thus ended.

BibleLightRays636363-42Deuteronomy 30:19

I call heaven and earth as witnesses today against you, that I have set before you life and death, blessing and cursing; therefore choose life, that both you and your descendants may live;

John 3:16-18

For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him should not perish but have everlasting life.  For God did not send His Son into the world to condemn the world, but that the world through Him might be saved.

“He who believes in Him is not condemned; but he who does not believe is condemned already, because he has not believed in the name of the only begotten Son of God.

2 Peter 3:9

The Lord is not slack concerning His promise, as some count slackness, but is longsuffering toward us, not willing that any should perish but that all should come to repentance.


God created us with immeasurable power to make, being inspired for, & to choose positive changes… ~ Cheong Kok Weng

God created us with immeasurable power to make, being inspired for, and to choose positive changes in our lives… and also make to make a valuable difference in the lives of others …with His help we will accomplish much. ~ Cheong Kok Weng

NasaDec24,2013space walk



Selfie in space.

Courtesy NASA


Images taken from video provided by NASA, astronauts Rick Mastracchio, top, and Michael Hopkins work to repair an external cooling line on the International Space Station on Tuesday, Dec. 24, 2013, 260 miles above Earth.

We all have a choice – this man decided to do what’s right ..helping to save lives. One CAN make a big difference.

We all have a choice – this man Chiune Sugihara decided to do what’s right  ..helping to save lives. One can make a big and vital difference.

Here is an extraordinary account of a man of conviction & courage and .. who obeyed God rather than man.


Extracted fr

Chiune Sugihara (杉原 千畝 1 January 1900 – 31 July 1986) was a Japanese diplomat who served as Vice-Consul for the Empire of Japan in Lithuania. During World War II, he helped several thousandJews leave the country by issuing transit visas to Jewish refugees so that they could travel to Japan. Most of the Jews who escaped were refugees from German-occupied Poland and residents of Lithuania. Sugihara wrote travel visas that facilitated the escape of more than 6,000 Jewish refugees to Japanese territory, risking his career and his family’s lives.

Sugihara’s widow with Lithuania’s then president Valdas Adamkus at a tree planting ceremony in Vilnius, Lithuania in 2001. 

In 1939, Sugihara became a vice-consul of the Japanese Consulate in Kaunas, Lithuania. His other duty was to report on Soviet and German troop movements.[2]Sugihara is said to have cooperated with Polish intelligence as part of a bigger Japanese-Polish cooperative plan.[5] As the Soviet Union occupied sovereign Lithuania in 1940, many Jewish refugees from Poland (Polish Jews) as well as Lithuanian Jews tried to acquire exit visas. Without the visas, it was dangerous to travel, yet it was impossible to find countries willing to issue them. Hundreds of refugees came to the Japaneseconsulate in Kaunas, trying to get a visa to Japan.

The Dutch consul Jan Zwartendijk had provided some of them with an official third destination to Curaçao, a Caribbean island and Dutch colony that required no entry visa, or Surinam (which, upon independence in 1975, became Suriname). At the time, the Japanese government required that visas be issued only to those who had gone through appropriate immigration procedures and had enough funds. Most of the refugees did not fulfill these criteria. Sugihara dutifully contacted the Japanese Foreign Ministry three times for instructions. Each time, the Ministry responded that anybody granted a visa should have a visa to a third destination to exit Japan, with no exceptions.[2]From 18 July to 28 August 1940, aware that applicants were in danger if they stayed behind, Sugihara began to grant visas on his own initiative, after consulting with his family.

He ignored the requirements and issued the Jews with a ten-day visa to transit through Japan, in direct violation of his orders. Given his inferior post and the culture of the Japanese Foreign Service bureaucracy, this was an extraordinary act of disobedience. He spoke to Soviet officials who agreed to let the Jews travel through the country via the Trans-Siberian Railway at five times the standard ticket price.Sugihara continued to hand write visas, reportedly spending 18–20 hours a day on them, producing a normal month’s worth of visas each day, until 4 September, when he had to leave his post before the consulate was closed. By that time he had granted thousands of visas to Jews, many of whom were heads of households and thus permitted to take their families with them. On the night before their scheduled departure, Sugihara and his wife stayed awake writing out visa approvals.

According to witnesses, he was still writing visas while in transit from his hotel and after boarding the train at the Kaunas Railway Station, throwing visas into the crowd of desperate refugees out of the train’s window even as the train pulled out.In final desperation, blank sheets of paper with only the consulate seal and his signature (that could be later written over into a visa) were hurriedly prepared and flung out from the train. As he prepared to depart, he said, “Please forgive me. I cannot write anymore. I wish you the best.” When he bowed deeply to the people before him, someone exclaimed, “Sugihara. We’ll never forget you. I’ll surely see you again!”[1]Sugihara himself wondered about official reaction to the thousands of visas he issued.

Many years later, he recalled, “No one ever said anything about it. I remember thinking that they probably didn’t realize how many I actually issued.”[6]The total number of Jews saved by Sugihara is in dispute, estimating about 6,000; family visas—which allowed several people to travel on one visa—were also issued, which would account for the much higher figure. The Simon Wiesenthal Center has estimated that Chiune Sugihara issued transit visas for about 6,000 Jews and that around 40,000 descendants of the Jewish refugees are alive today because of his actions.[2] Polish intelligence produced some false visas. Sugihara’s widow and eldest son estimate that he saved 10,000 Jews from certain death, whereas Boston University professor and author, Hillel Levine, also estimates that he helped “as many as 10,000 people”, but that far fewer people ultimately survived.[7] According to Levine’s 1996 biography of Sugihara, In Search of Sugihara, the Japanese diplomat issued 3,400 transit visas to the Jews.[7] Levine reports from his research of official Japanese foreign ministry documents entitled “Miscellaneous Documents Regarding Ethnic Issues: Jewish Affairs,’ vol.10, 1940 Diplomatic Record Office, Japanese Foreign Ministry, Tokyo”, that he discovered one list alone of “2,139 names, largely of Poles—both Jews and non-Jews—who received visas between July 9 and August 31, 1940…It is far from complete; many who received visas from Sugihara, including children, are not on it. By statistical extrapolation, it can be estimated that he helped as many as ten thousand escape, yet those who actually survived are probably no more than half that number.”[7] Indeed, some Jews who received Sugihara visas failed to leave Lithuania in time, were later captured by the Germans who invaded the Soviet Union on 22 June 1941, and perished in the Holocaust.

The Diplomatic Record Office of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs has opened to the public two documents concerning Sugihara’s file: the first aforementioned document is a 5 February 1941 diplomatic note from Chiune Sugihara to Japan’s then Foreign Minister Yōsuke Matsuoka in which Sugihara stated he issued 1,500 out of 2,139 transit visas to Jews and Poles; however, since most of the 2,139 people were not Jewish, this would imply that most of the visas were given to Polish Jews instead. Levine then notes that another document from the same foreign office file “indicates an additional 3,448 visas were issued in Kaunas for a total of 5,580 visas” which were likely given to Jews desperate to flee Lithuania for safety in Japan or Japanese occupied China. Moreover, there were also “some Jesuits in Vilna who were issuing Sugihara visas with seals that he had left behind and did not destroy, long after the Japanese diplomat had departed” which means that some Jews could have escaped Europe with forged visas issued under Sugihara’s name.[7]Many refugees used their visas to travel across the Soviet Union to Vladivostok and then by boat to Kobe, Japan, where there was a Russian Jewish community.

Tadeusz Romer, the Polish ambassador in Tokyo, organised help for them. From August 1940 to November 1941, he had managed to get transit visas in Japan, asylum visas to Canada, Australia, New Zealand, Burma, immigration certificates to the British Mandate of Palestine, and immigrant visas to the United States and some Latin American countries for more than two thousand Polish-Lithuanian Jewish refugees, who arrived in Kobe, Japan, and the Shanghai Ghetto, China.

New year..a fresh start..chance to do things right.Year 2014 AD affirms the FACT that JESUS once lived physically amongst men abt 2,00 years ago.

New year..a fresh start..chance to do things right. Year 2014 AD [Anno Domini Nostri Jesu Christi (“In the Year of Our Lord Jesus Christ”)] affirms and bears witness to the historical FACT that JESUS once lived physically amongst men about 2,00 years ago on planet earth.

Behold one of the more detailed images of the Earth yet created. This Blue Marble Earth montage shown above — created from photographs taken by the Visible/Infrared Imager Radiometer Suite (VIIRS) instrument on board the new Suomi NPP satellite — shows many stunning details of our home planet. The Suomi NPP satellit..was renamed..after Verner Suomi, commonly deemed the father of satellite meteorology. The composite was created from the data collected during four orbits of the robotic satellite taken…and digitally projected onto the globe. Many features of North America and the Western Hemisphere are particularly visible on a high resolution version of the image
Credit: NASA

dancing smiley courtesy of www.freesmileys.orgWe’ve a free trip around the sun once a year whilst we live on this planet.Smiley